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Thank you for requesting this valuable martial arts training resource.
We love the arts so much want to share it with you as it has transformed our lives immensely. View it carefully as many jewels are in it.
Make sure that you go to our YouTube Ninjutsucom channel as we have 55 videos there of Shihan Richard Van Donk, Soke Masaaki Hatsumi and other IBDA certified Instructors.
The Ninja Blog has many great free articles and free videos posted there often.
Also the Ninja Vault hosts a private forum where you can go ask instructors questions about your training and lots of other goodies. It is only $40 per year.
Look for more e-mails from us with links to more Free Videos, announcements, event invitations, and other cool stuff.
If you decide to train with us then we have a university worth of study programs available to take you from beginner to master.
For more information just visit for details and/or go to for training stuff.
Enjoy your training!
See you on the mat,
Richard Van Donk, Shihan Shidoshi
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